Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Participating in Porn by Choice?

Today we discussed how free speech and responsibility applies to pornography. My classmates came to the convenient conclusion that if the participants in the porn agreed to it that it should be considered free expression. I brought up the fact that many women in pornography are often coerced through manipulations or have past abuses that can cloud their judgment or reality. Therefore while they seem to agree and may tell you they are doing so freely the reality may be different and they might not even know it. The power of manipulation can be intense on a person and I have seen this in other women, often by men. This is a reference to the topic at hand, it is very clear that anyone can be manipulated. I was rather disturbed to be dismissed with my point by a counterpoint that this is just a stereotype. This is truly upsetting to me as I have witnessed an immediate example of this and also have read an autobiography to a similar effect.
I want to clarify I do not completely disagree with pornography. After much thought I find myself acknowledging the power porn can have on society in both positive and negative ways. I felt silenced in class today because this topic is so controversial and this is my space so I wanted to clarify.

1 comment:

American Wonder said...

Pornography is delicate issue to discuss and I agree that your voice was silenced in class. People are products of their environment. While many women participate in porn willingful, had they not been sexually abused, they may not have pursued pornography as a career. I think its great that you are so well read and have gained insight on the lives of such women. Keep it up!